Edie Pearson brings a wealth of experience in the non-profit sector. Her Midwest family relocated to Philadelphia where she grew up in a city rich with culture. She is a fourth-generation college graduate always captivated by the sciences, visual arts, and education. Her career in the museum field includes being a cataloguer and registrar at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, curatorial staff at Los Angeles County Art Museum, and fundraiser for the Studio Museum in Harlem. Her fundraising experiences expanded to include UNIS (United Nations International School), capital campaign projects for PAL (Police Athletic League in New York) and the YMCA, chapter director for the American Red Cross in Greater New York, and most recently in Florida as director of Broward College Foundation and fundraising manager for UNCF (United Negro College Fund) in Fort Lauderdale.
Among her most interesting career opportunity was to serve on the fundraising team at Zoo Miami Foundation experiencing firsthand its variety of animals and plants and the processes required to keep them healthy and thriving. She brings this knowledge and a renewed awareness of the individuals and corporate businesses that seek to financially support, protect, and teach about the treasures of our environment for future generations.
Pearson is a long-term member of the Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce, served for several years as a Silver Knight judge, a member of Leadership Broward Class XI, and is an engaged alumna of the University of Hawaii – Manoa. Her son is a University of Miami graduate and married with a toddler son. The light of her day is her Siamese cat, Song.