Rear Admiral Guido F. Valdes is the commander of Naval Medical Forces Pacific in San Diego. He has oversight of ten Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Commands across the West Coast and Pacific Rim as well as Navy Medicine’s eight global research labs. Rear Adm. Valdes also serves under the Defense Health Agency as the director of the San Diego Medical Market where he oversees the delivery and integration of healthcare at Naval Medical Center San Diego and Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton.
Valdes is qualified as a Fleet Marine Force Warfare Officer. His personal decorations include the Legion of Merit (two awards), Meritorious Service Medal (four awards), Navy Commendation Medal (two awards), Navy Achievement Medal and various other unit and campaign awards.
He is a native of San Juan, Puerto Rico and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in biology from the University of Miami, Florida. He earned his Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Miami School of Medicine as a Navy Health Professions Scholarship recipient.