Move2Learn (M2L) is an international research-practitioner collaborative project investigating how interactive museum exhibits can help young children aged 3-6 years express, communicate, and develop their scientific thinking. Our research explores what types of actions are meaningful for developing science ideas. Then, we analyze interventions to encourage action through both the design exhibits as well as through facilitation that affirms and supports family interactions that in turn can impact opportunities for all children.
Program Objectives
Major goals of the project include:
- Developing a new practitioner/researcher interaction model to strengthen collaborations among informal learning practitioners and learning science researchers
- Understanding the role of embodied interaction in young children’s learning about science
- Informing the intentional design of science exhibits and body-based communication
Program Partners
Partners in the U.S. include Frost Science, The University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, and Sciencenter (Ithaca, NY).
Partners in the U.K. include The University of Edinburgh, University College London, Glasgow Science Centre, Science Museum London, and Learning through Landscapes.
The project is supported under a collaborative agreement between the National Science Foundation (NSF) in the U.S., and the Wellcome Trust and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) in the UK, via NSF Grant 1646940 and Wellcome Trust Grant 206205/Z/17/Z.