The Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science strives to be a safe place for campers, staff
and guests. Good behavior is a key component to a successful camp experience. To ensure the
safety of all at Frost Science, it is important that campers exhibit proper behavior and selfcontrol,
and are expected to respect their instructors, staff and fellow campers. Inappropriate,
disruptive and/or violent behavior while at camp will not be tolerated.

Frost Science reserves the right, upon notification of guardians, to dismiss any student during
any session for conduct that is deemed detrimental to the well-being of other students, staff or
to the overall operation of the camp. No refund or credit will be issued if your child is
dismissed. As part of these behavioral guidelines, Frost Science follows a Three-Strike Policy
for campers.

Frost Science Camp Three-Strike Policy

  • Strike 1: Camper is separated from the situation through a 5-minute, in-class time-out. Staff will discuss the incident with guardians at pick-up.
  • Strike 2: Camper is separated from the situation through a 10-minute time-out with the camp administrative staff. Guardians are contacted by telephone.
  • Strike 3: Camper is brought to the 4th floor administrative offices. Guardian(s) will be contacted for immediate pickup. Campers who cannot go home immediately will be supervised by education staff until the end of the day. Once dismissed, campers will not be allowed to return to Frost Science Camp.

Strikes will be issued by camp staff (but not by volunteers) at their discretion. Warnings may be issued as an alternative to strikes for minor occurrences, such as not listening, teasing or other
inappropriate behavior. A strike may be issued if that behavior persists.

Examples of inappropriate behavior include, but are not limited to: hitting, fighting, name
calling, foul language, arguing, reckless endangerment of themself or others, disrespectful
actions, bullying, and stealing. Serious behavioral instances resulting in harm to another
camper, including hitting or kicking another camper, will result in an automatic third strike and
dismissal from camp.

Please review this policy with your camper before your first day at Frost Science Camp. Each
camper and their respective guardian will be required to sign the Camper Behavior Agreement
on the first day of camp your camper attends during Camper Check-in. We look forward to
providing you and your child with a safe and fun camp experience! Please reach out to the
Frost Science Education Department at 305-434-9560 or with any
further questions regarding this policy.

Camper Behavior Agreement

During Frost Science Camp, I agree to:


  • Listen to and follow directions from my instructors, camp staff, volunteers and
    other Frost Science employees.


  • Keep my hands to myself.
  • Treat others the way I want to be treated and make new friends.


  • Always use an inside voice and walking feet.
  • Be careful with museum objects and galleries.
  • Be quiet and respectful around animals and marine life.

If I don’t follow “The Three R’s”, I can get a strike. Three Strikes, you’re out!

  • Strike 1: Time-out in class
  • Strike 2: Time-out away from class, phone call home
  • Strike 3: Go home for the rest of camp