Star Gazers
Founded at our museum's former site in Coconut Grove, "Star Gazers" is the world's only weekly television series on naked eye astronomy.
“Star Gazers,” which started at our museum’s former site in Coconut Grove as a WPBT2 original production, is the world’s first and only weekly television series on naked eye astronomy. Frost Science has been the home of the show since 1976, when Jack Horkeimer, then executive director of the Miami Space Transit Planetarium, began the show as its iconic host. Today “Star Gazers” is hosted by James C. Albury, planetarium director at the Kika Silva Pla Planetarium at Santa Fe College, and Dean Regas, outreach astronomer and assistant director at the Cincinnati Observatory, and airs on over 100 PBS stations around the world. Each weekly episode features selected objects for naked eye viewing during the following week, including significant astronomical events, key constellations, stars, planets lunar eclipses and more.
For more information, visit
Funding for Star Gazers provided by The Batchelor Foundation and The William J. & Tina Rosenberg Foundation. Special thanks to Jack and Ruth Admire, and Dan and Trish Bell.