Meet the Navy’s Military Working Dogs on Knight Plaza, then engage with Navy scientists and historians to learn about their work. Along the way, you’ll complete a variety of fun and educational activities. Round off your day by watching performances by the Navy Band Southeast.
Programming is free with paid museum admission.
Special Presentations
Navy Band Southeast
Atrium, Level 1
Enjoy live performances by talented Naval musicians at 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m.
US Navy Military Working Dogs
Knight Plaza, Level 1
Meet us on the Knight Plaza to learn what the Military K9 working dogs are capable of, with special demonstrations at 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. If you miss them on the way in, re-entry to the museum is allowed with your wristband.
Explosive Ordinance Devision
The Deep, Oculus, Level 2
Observe Navy divers in action in our Gulf Stream Exhibit. Stop by the Oculus for the best view! Demonstrations are at 12:30 p.m., 1:30 p.m., and 2:30 p.m.
Programming Schedule
Navy Entomology Center of Excellence
Atrium, Level 1
Learn what Navy entomologists (insect scientists) do as you hold live insects and view insect fossils under the microscope.
Naval STEM
Terrace, Level 2
Get your hands wet as you dive into Seaworthy STEM activities. Get information on Navy STEM programs, internships, and educational opportunities.
Naval History & Heritage Command
Terrace, Level 3
Test the concepts of buoyancy and density to see what keeps ships afloat.
Naval Helicopter Aviation
Feathers to the Stars, Level 3
Learn the ins and outs of the MH-60R helicopter, try real flight equipment, and ask a Navy pilot all your questions about flight!
U.S. Navy Stewards of the Sea
Terrace, Level 4
Discover how the Navy protects the ocean and its inhabitants, from monitoring whales to processing plastic waste. You might even meet Stewie, the Navy’s environmental mascot!