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Frost Science Welcomes Roseate Spoonbill Chicks

Frost Science is pleased to share the news that at the end of June, our pair of roseate spoonbills became parents—for the first time! Their two chicks appear to be healthy, and the adults have been attentive parents. The chicks hatched on Thursday, June 27, and Saturday, June 29, 2024. They can currently be seen in the museum’s Mary M. and Sash A. Spencer Aviary on the Vista level of the museum’s Aquarium. The adult spoonbills came to Frost Science... Read More

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New Dinosaur Called Lokiceratops Discovered in Montana

About 78 million years ago, a stocky dinosaur with a rhinoceros-like body and large frill studded with horns roamed a swampy area of land in what is now northern Montana. Scientists discovered its fossilized remains in 2019 and recently published their findings. Its name, Lokiceratops rangiformis, is a nod to the Norse god Loki and the dinosaur’s uneven horns. In full, the name translates to, “Loki’s horned face that looks like a caribou.”  Lokiceratops is likely the fifth discovered member... Read More

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