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This event is at capacity. To join the waitlist, please email muve@frostscience.org.

MUVE is excited to provide opportunities for our community to give back to critical coastal habitats through nature-based volunteerism. We recommend close-toed shoes, sun and bug protection, and clothes you don’t mind getting dirty!

Directions to check-in

  • Check-in will be located at the picnic tables at Virginia Key North Point Beach Park. For GPS directions enter “Virginia Key North Point Trails.”


  • Complimentary parking available at Virginia Key North Point Trails.

Community Service Hours

  • We offer community service hours at all MUVE events. Please come find us after the event to sign forms.


  • The completion of Frost Science liability waiver is required for participation. Event staff will provide safety briefings and orientations to each the specific volunteer activities at the start of the event.

Citizen Science Cleanup

  • Download the free CleanSwell  app for your smartphone prior to your arrival! Then you can submit data directly to the Ocean Conservancy’s global ocean trash database, which provides researchers and policymakers a snapshot of pollution problems and the data to help develop solutions. You can track your positive impact through the CleanSwell app on any smartphone.